55 Foods for Weight Loss


Eating healthy starts with smart choices when shopping for groceries. This list will help you stock your kitchen and pantry with the right options for you and your family The foods included in this list have been selected based on a variety of criteria such as portion size, whole grain and whole food ingredients, nutrient […]

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5 Ways to Resolve Heel Pain


Do you feel a stabbing pain in your heel with your first steps out of bed in the morning? You’re not alone. Aching heels can truly affect your lifestyle, preventing you from playing sports to simply going for a walk. The most common causes to heel pain include:   Plantar Fasciitis Inflammation of the band […]

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11 Habits to Age Well


Aging is inevitable. However, by developing a few healthy habits, we can impact the quality of our life as we get older. Get 7-8 hours of sleep per night  Sleep is crucial to our body’s physical and emotional restorative process Limit alcohol and tobacco usage Even moderate use can cause serious risk for the heart, […]

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5 Eye Fixes


Have you noticed dark circles, wrinkles or bags under your eyes? You’re not alone! The eyes are one of the first spots to reveal signs of aging, and this can occur as early as your 20s or 30s. The skin around the eyes in the thinnest on your body. For this reason, the eye area […]

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To Juice or Not To Juice?


Just as there are trends in fashion, there are also trends in health. One year it was acai berries, the next it was coconut oil, and lately the trend is juicing. Although not new to the health scene, juicing is certainly seeing a resurgence among today’s generation. Enthusiast are touting its ability to optimize health, […]

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10 Health Benefits of Botox


Because of its excellent safety profile, ease of procedure, and quick rejuvenating results, Botox® Cosmetic (botulinum toxin type A) has become the most common, FDA-approved, cosmetic office procedure. Botox is known for the cosmetic treatment of frown lines between the brows and for “crow’s feet” lines around the eyes. Although the procedure has become a […]

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